Wednesday, December 24, 2008

i am in minnesota right now. We are visiting the manfriend's family for christmas before heading down to kansas city for some after x-mas hang. this is my first holiday with someone else's family. it is a little weird. i wont lie. we are going out for chinese food tonight which seems very christmakuh and that makes me happy. it is less stressful than being in kansas i think which is good because i think i needed a good rest of a rest. i was feeling sorta crazy. actually hella crazy.
manfriend has a game on his itouch that shoots penguins at polar bears. minnesota makes him play video games...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

yeah. starting a blog. again.

i have kept some kind of online journal since i was fourteen. eleven years of typing in various computer rooms, offices, bedrooms, and coffee shops about my personal life. i have been a bit busy with school for the last year and interweb reflection on anything has moved to the back burner. i also realized i would only post when i felt sentimental or sappy which made for an awful record of my life. this will hopefully be different. probably focused more on theater because god knows there aren't enough blogs about chicago theater. also about cute animals because i don't have time to personally tell each of my friends to watch the video about knut the baby polar bear or the cat who rolls around on the horse. mostly, honestly, i just graduated college and i am no longer walking into rooms everyday that i am entitled and encouraged to share my opinions. and i am already begining to miss that. i guess that is what blogs are for right?