Wednesday, December 24, 2008

i am in minnesota right now. We are visiting the manfriend's family for christmas before heading down to kansas city for some after x-mas hang. this is my first holiday with someone else's family. it is a little weird. i wont lie. we are going out for chinese food tonight which seems very christmakuh and that makes me happy. it is less stressful than being in kansas i think which is good because i think i needed a good rest of a rest. i was feeling sorta crazy. actually hella crazy.
manfriend has a game on his itouch that shoots penguins at polar bears. minnesota makes him play video games...

1 comment:

Alibear said...

I'm happy you've started to blog again. I completely get that whole -I'm at someone else's place for this Holiday thing-y-. It can be fun, less stressful, and MORE stressful than being with your own family. However, I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Someday we will see one another! Missing you!