Tuesday, August 4, 2009

the adventure is happening as i type.

it is hard to live and blog at the same time. megs makes it look easy. but it isn't. i want apple to come up with some device that will take the thoughts out of my head and put them here without making me stop and transcribe them myself.
not all thoughts of course. just the blog thoughts in the upper right hand corner of my brain. that is where they live.
i had hoped to write everyday about vacation but vacation has been so fun and exhausting that i just plum have not had or made the time for that. i will try from now on but the last five days will be recorded in some sort of mushed banana type way. 
i am sitting on the same porch i used to sit on five years ago. the same exotic flowers grow on the banister. i don't know what they are and have never seen them anywhere but here. the garden in general is larger and i think unrulier than before. she planted a eucalyptus tree out front right after i left. it is huge and confusing to me. they grow fast i guess. there are also two kiwi trees (bushes?) a male and a female. i did not know this but kiwi plants are gendered. the female needs the male to fruit. i had no clue. pot is like that too. which i think at some point i did know but just forgot over time. 
back to vacation:
day 1: escape from chicago
leaving feels crazy. my life and room is a mess but that had to stay in chicago. it was a stressful morning after an awful day. i arrive earlier than i am prone to at the airport. i want to do this right. my flight is delayed. fuck. nobody is at the ticket counter and i am pretty sure we were all not actually going to atlanta but connecting there. mine might have been the most ridiculous connection. flying from chicago to atlanta to portland. when i finally did talk to an agent she confirmed my suspicions. she asked me why i was flying to atlanta first and i just kinda turned my head like really? you think i chose that? but she was super nice and got me the last seat on a flight to salt lake city with a connection to portland. it left me with two more hours to loaf around the airport but i would get in to portland at the same time. or that was the plan. 
we sat on the tarmac in chicago for at least an hour. i wasn't complaining though because that last seat i acquired happened to be in first class. i paid a lot of money for this shitty ticket that sent me across the country and all around so it was nice to get the free meal and booze and television in the back of the seat. i watched a stupid romantic comedy that hit a little too close to home. it wasn't as bad as when i watched that zack braff movie(post gardenstate) the weekend after breaking up with dugan. that was one of the worst experiences of my life. this was just kinda annoying. they also had cable television channels so i got to see some daily show and colbert which i realized i desperately miss even though i rarely watched it when i did have cable. i checked for ace of cakes but no dice. that would have made things too perfect.
we did not make up that hour on the tarmac and the flight attendant warned us as we were descending that all connecting flights had left already (who actually goes to salt lake city?) and basically we were all fucked but the nice ladies at the ticket counter would help us with accommodations and flights for the next morning. i was annoyed but not dramatic since i was tipsy from free wine and feeling like vacation adventures are fine and wonderful no matter what. i prepared myself for curling up in the airport and just dealing but when the plane landed we were told that one flight was left. and that was to ptown. booyeah. i shuffled as fast as possible to find a crowd still waiting at the gate.  
i sat next to a sixteen yearold who seemed to have her shit together better than me. i thought she was 21 and she thought i was 21. she was on her way home from paris. jealous. she asked me if i thought i would marry nick. i told her yes. i don't know why i said that let alone why i was talking about my relationship problems with a sixteen yearold. but i was. go fig.

more on the actual vacation soon....
teaser! floating down the river on an air mattress... 

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