Wednesday, November 11, 2009

the experiences that have made me who i am. abridged.

missing recess to go to speech therapy twice a week for four years of elementary school
bonfires at horse creek ranch
my scoliosis hunch
shows at new earth coffee
becoming a vegetarian in england
being surrounded by riot gear in dc while sitting in some famous square
debating religion with mrs. lopez
having the door broken down in my first apartment
shutting down lakeshore drive in protest of the iraqi war beginning
having my identity stolen
basement shows at the house of raw sugar
deciding to move to a city i had never visited
san francisco women against rape
thai brunch in berkeley 
pissing in the bathroom at hatties
my sister in the hospital
six months back in kansas city
learning to make a perfect latte
going back to college

there are more. but i have no perspective on the last five years. maybe when i am thirty i will understand what is happening to me right now. everything above fits like puzzle pieces in my head. they make sense but they didn't at the time.

that means there is hope! there is hope for the future.

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