Saturday, January 3, 2009

it is several days into the new year. nothing has changed. i think i really believe each year that it might but it does not. i never make resolutions. i think about things that i hope might be different but never laid out in ways or actions that i might take to see that happen.

tonight i sat and drank bottles of wine with a dear friend. i am home now and maude is curled up next to me. she is wondering why the light is still on and i am not focused in our snuggle. if i have any kind of resolution this year then it is probably to get back into this habit. we will see if this happens. it is probably more likely than my thoughts of using the new workout facilities at my job. way more likely.

new years eve was fine. i spent the pre midnight time with some good friends and then some newer but very sweet friends. i have learned not to wait around for the manfriend to pick me up so i had headed to a party in the neighborhood. it was a good thing. it was nearing eleven thirty when he picked me up. we headed to his friends house where i walked in the door and imediately lost any personality i once had. i have realized i have this rare form of shyness that makes me incredibly boring around new people. i cannot think of anything intereseting to say, pose, or ask. i think i make others utterl boring around me as well. at least the manfriend's friends. it was a good night still. somehow. a lot of scotch.

that is enough. relearning how to blog is interesting. i signed up for twitter too. year of the internets i guess......

1 comment:

megan said...

i think you are the opposite of boring and personality-less.